Peaceful Days are Possible.
Even as a Mom with ADHD.

Hey there! I’m Patricia Sung, ADHD Coach for Moms With ADHD.

As an Adult ADHD coach and speaker, I help moms with ADHD rise above overwhelm, take control of their time and build a life they love – in a way that works with their ADHD brain.

Living with adult ADHD is hard. 

Living life as a mom with ADHD can feel impossible. 

You have multiple schedules to manage, bills to pay, meals to plan, school drop-offs, extra-curricular activities, relationships to maintain, and so much more. 

But your ADHD brain causes you to constantly feel distracted, overwhelmed, and disorganized.

Meanwhile, pinterest-worthy moms on social media make it look so dang easy. 

You wonder:

Why do I struggle so much with everyday parenting?

Why can’t I just get my crap together?

What’s wrong with me?

If you’re barely keeping your head above water most days, I get it. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. Your ADHD brain makes things a bit more challenging. 

As a fellow mom with Adult ADHD, I’ve been there–and I’ve experienced the guilt, frustration and helplessness that comes with it. (Some days, I still do! It’s a life-long process, ya know?)

That’s why I’ve created ADHD courses that help moms with ADHD, like you:

  • Master your time and schedule, so you can feel confident and capable about how you run your day + spend more time with the people you love

  • Create daily rhythms and routines to reduce stress and (finally) relax

  • Determine your values and priorities so you can spend time on what’s most important

  • Stop spinning in circles of overwhelm and chaos

  • Let go of constant anxiety and mom-guilt and enjoy being a mom again

As a mom with ADHD, do these scenarios sound like you?

  • You try so hard, but you still struggle with time management and organization–getting your kids to school and yourself to work on time, remembering deadlines and appointments. 

  • Mornings feel like chaos–filled with frustration, tantrums, and meltdowns (from both you and your kids!)

  • You often feel like you’ve “accomplished nothing” because you’ve spent too much time focusing on the wrong things.

  • You become easily frustrated and irritable with your kids when you feel overwhelmed (and then you feel guilty about it.)

  • You sometimes shut down when you’re overwhelmed (and then you feel guilty about that, too.) 

  • You don’t know where to start when it comes to getting organized, prioritizing tasks, and keeping a schedule–so you avoid it–but you continue to feel frustrated, exhausted, and helpless.

If you can relate, my ADHD courses and ADHD coaching can help. I designed them with people like you (and me) in mind!

Meet Your ADHD Coach: Patricia Sung

In my freshman year of college, I was diagnosed with ADHD after nearly failing out. It was a huge shock, both the ADHD and the failing, since I graduated with honors and was on academic scholarship at a top university.

After much trial and error, I was able to figure out the coping skills to get by and/or succeed in my teaching career, entrepreneurship, and life in general. Until I had kids.

My oldest son was only a couple of weeks old when I googled at 3 AM “how to be a good mom with ADHD” and there wasn’t much to find in 2015. 

Once my youngest was almost a year old, I started the Motherhood in ADHD podcast to reach other moms with ADHD who were struggling. I needed to know that I wasn’t the only one. 

I’m not.  

My “hobby” ADHD podcast quietly grew into a Top 5 Parenting Podcast with over 1 million downloads and a part-time business: speaking and teaching moms with ADHD about how their brain works, because you can be successful when your brain works a little differently. 

In full ADHD disclosure, yes, I’m multi-passionate entrepreneur. My first business was funded by my babysitting money when I was 12 years old. I’ve run my real estate business (rentals, property management, and investing) since 2007, along with several other businesses - some that have gone well and one that utterly imploded. I learned a lot more from our failed Makerspace than all of the successes combined. The failure still hurt though.

When I'm not wrangling my 2 young boys, you'll find me planning our next travel adventure with my husband, healing my chronic illnesses, volunteering at school or church, drooling over brand-new office supplies, or curled up with a YA fiction novel or self-help book waaaay past my bedtime. And probably knee-deep in a new hobby.

Patricia’s ADHD Coaching Style

I'm your Topanga: your encouraging and sarcastic ADHD Mom / Big Sis / BFF that tells you the truth about ADHD; the one you go to when you're done spinning in circles and want to move forward, like, yesterday.

I listen more than I talk. I encourage more than I instruct, but I will boss you with full oldest sister conviction when you tell me that you’re not good enough. I won’t let you put up with that. You will leave me feeling more sure of yourself and a clear plan of your next steps.

While I am an ADHD Coach, I’m not a traditional life coach. My foundations are that I’m a teacher, a strategist, and an implementer. My first love is helping you figure out how to use time management and daily planning to end the overwhelm + hop off the hot mess express.

As my curiosity grew behind what was holding moms back from doing what they “knew they should be doing,” I dove into self-directed neuroplasticity and integrative change work, and how it affected self regulation in ADHD. Then I pursued my certification as an Integrative Life Coach by The Ethical Coaching Collective, as well as The International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

Now I integrate both practical strategy and self-directed neuroplasticity to build moms’ emotional regulation skills so they can get their ish together way faster than before.

I want you to know that you can trust yourself and your inner wisdom to know what you and your family need. You can change your capacity for stress so you’re not erupting everyday during homework, or losing your marbles again at bedtime!

For the mamas who do business, I’m also a Business Strategy + Implementation Coach for Mom Entrepreneurs with ADHD. I seriously light up helping more moms build kick-a$$ businesses they love! It’s truly possible to efficiently grow a successful, mission-driven business while juggling kids and your ADHD. Cake walk? No. Possible? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!

I will help you make a plan that fits your life: you’ll understand how your ADHD adds flavor in everything you do, and then use those tendencies to work for you instead of against you. You’ll leave our sessions with a clear plan on what to tackle next and how, either at home, in your business, or both.

ADHD Coaching Options

We can work together through group coaching or one-on-one coaching. There’s also my online ADHD courses and programs: Daily Planning for ADHD Moms and Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms for immediate help.

A bunch of us ADHD moms also hang out weekly in Successful Mama Meetups, where we plan our week for thirty minutes, then hang out the second half hour. It's super fun. You should come!

You’re also invited to join our upcoming all-inclusive luxury ADHD Mom retreat to take a well-deserved break and make real life friends who understand you and support you just as you are. Community is the key to feeling understood as a mom with ADHD.

Not sure what's the best option for you? Join me for a virtual coffee chat

Welcome to the club, Successful Mama.

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Patricia is a certified Integrative Life Coach by The Ethical Coaching Collective, as well as The International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

Patricia has been recognized as one of the Top ADHD Coaches by Coach Foundation.