The 3rd Annual Successful As a Mother Retreat:

A Getaway for Moms with ADHD

***including moms who suspect they have ADHD, but aren’t totally sure.

It’s time to take care of a very important person in the family: Mom

You never put yourself on the priority list because you’re always busy taking care of everyone else. You plan the activities, pack the snacks, grab the bags, drive the car, and herd the cats. 

Your needs are even below the gerbil’s - even Cheeks ate lunch! But Mom? You’re tossing back a handful of stale goldfish crackers in between drop off and the next pick up. A bubble bath and an unused coupon for a shoulder rub aren’t cutting it for your self-care routine.

You need a break. 

You need care. Not just because you’re the powerhouse who handles all the things, but because you’re a human. You’re worthy.

You matter. 

A group of us ADHD Moms (including those who think they have ADHD, but aren’t sure) are gathering together to relax, build our village, and get to know ourselves better, all while enjoying the peace that comes with no responsibilities.

We’re going on a fun, yet relaxing, luxury weekend retreat where you will be pampered…by me. I’m taking care of all the details and planning. You’re spending the weekend without the burden of managing the schedule or the emotions of anyone else. 

Take a deep breath. Laugh, enjoy each other’s company, and of course, learn about your ADHD. It’s happening this fall and you’re invited.

What happens on a mom retreat?

This all-inclusive weekend getaway with me (Patricia) means you’ll enjoy 4 star accommodations, one-of-a-kind experiences, and delicious meals, all while making friends with moms who understand how you think and love you just the way you are.

Best of all, you don’t need to plan or decide one thing once you check-in to the hotel. I’m taking care of everything for YOU! Every meal, every activity… you simply arrive at the hotel. The hardest decision you’ll make is whether or not you want more queso for your fajitas. (And the answer is always more queso. Unless you're lactose intolerant ;)) 

We’re staying at the historic boutique hotel The Sam Houston. You have your very own room with a luxurious king bed and no tiny feet kicking you in the face at 2:00 AM. 

Your meals are a tour of Houston’s culturally diverse cuisine, with all allergies accommodated. All your meals will be piping hot, because you neither planned nor cooked them. No washing dishes or wiping up crumbs. 

Obviously, there will be plenty of time to hang out with me and have fun. You’ll be together with women who understand you – and that is what sturdy lifelong friendship is based on. We’re building our support network so that we can lean on other women who know what it’s like to struggle and overcome when you have ADHD.

Get answers for your ADHD

You’ll also dive into understanding your ADHD brain in our Saturday discussion: Be True To You. Slowing down is the key to decreasing so much of our frenetic nature and busy brains. You’ll learn how you can:

  • Appreciate what you have and what you’ve accomplished (instead of focusing on all the ways you’ve messed up)

  • Stop people pleasing and do what you know is right

  • Listen to your gut and trust yourself more

Self-care stuff that you’ll actually do, not just say you’ll do, and then never again look at the notes you doodled. IYKYK.

Bring what’s confusing you about your ADHD and let’s talk about it. We’re deepening our understanding of who we are and how we function best. 

And not to worry - the weekend is not so jam packed that you won’t have down time. White space is incredibly important for those of us with ADHD. You’ll still have time to relax, clear your head, and recharge.

Imagine arriving back home on Sunday, well rested and refreshed, fully present for your family for the first time in years. 

Are you one of the mamas that will experience the 3rd annual Successful As A Mother weekend retreat for ADHD Moms?

Obviously! Let the pampering begin!

Your Itinerary:

  • Arrive Friday afternoon to check-in. You get the whole king room to yourself because we know you want some downtime in between all the fun.

  • Meet your new crew in the lobby as we head out for a spectacular meal.

  • After dinner, mingle with new friends in the elegant hotel lobby or head back to your room to make the most of your fluffy pillow in peace & quiet.

  • Saturday morning, join us in the conference room for breakfast as I share about our ADHD brains. No boring lectures! We’re practicing how to Be True To You. Plenty of time for questions. Snacks and drinks are provided, so you don’t have to make sure you’ve packed the pantry in your purse.

  • After a delicious lunch, we’ll have a surprise activity for all of us to be active and have some fun.

  • The rest of the afternoon is yours to relax in your room, take a nap, or hit the gym, or stroll down Main Street to Market Square Park while snapping some selfies in front of Houston’s many murals with your new friends. Whatever the heck you feel like doing! Whoop whoop!

  • That evening, we’ll gather again to walk down the block for a unique taste of Texas food culture.

  • Sunday morning, before you check out and head back to real life, you can sleep in or explore the area, and head out at your leisure.

Get ready to relax, relish memorable experiences, and build your village of ADHD Mom friends. Reserve your all-inclusive ticket here.

When I asked the moms last year for their best advice to moms who want to come, they unanimously said, “Do it! and stay an extra day!” (We can work that out, just let me know if it’s before or after!)

You’re invited!

Watch this 2 minute video of our last retreat:

What does all-inclusive cost?

Enjoy this spectacular retreat on October 11-13, 2024, by clicking here to purchase your retreat ticket. Your retreat ticket covers your 4 star hotel, gourmet meals, and group activities.

Save $100 with early bird pricing, which is available on May 16th until May 30, 2024. Beginning May 31st, retreat tickets will be full price for $1395. Payment plans are available with no upcharge for this service.

After you’ve purchased your retreat ticket, all you need to sort out is your transportation to the hotel in time for Friday’s dinner and your return home on Sunday. That may include airfare, transportation from the airport to the hotel. a road trip from your home to the hotel, or parking. The hotel has valet parking, and you can find parking details on the hotel’s website. 

Once you wake up Sunday morning, you are free until your Noon checkout. Sunday’s breakfast is on your own. 

The Sam Houston, a historic boutique hotel, is located in the heart of downtown Houston, which is equidistant to both Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) and William P. Hobby Airport (HOU). Earlier flights tend to be the most reliable, and I would recommend choosing a flight that arrives before 2:30 PM in order to arrive peacefully and check-in to your room before dinner.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’ve got A’s for your Q’s…

  • Many of the moms in our community do not have an official diagnosis. There are mamas who are in their 20s through their 70s, although many are in their 30s and 40s.

    This weekend is designed to fit both ADHD and create space to rest from the overwhelmingly heavy load moms carry.

    Joining this group of mamas who have brains like yours - and understand how much is on your plate - is mind-blowingly comforting, and the mamas are so kind and open with their lived experiences.

    Plus what you learn during your weekend away, you can turn around and teach to your kids who have ADHD as well.

    Because a healthy, thriving mom has the capacity to lead a healthy, thriving family.

  • A: No, every mama enjoys her own king bed in her own glorious room with all the peace and quiet you haven’t seen since before you had kids.

  • A: Two peas in a pod! I’ve had numerous food allergies over my lifetime. Explain your allergies in detail on the checkout page and I’ll make sure you have something that fits those parameters.

  • A: First, you know me! Sure it’s kinda awkward the first bit, but when you get a bunch of ADHDers in a room together, there’s rarely a dull moment. Second, my community of mamas are seriously the most understanding, amazing, welcoming, kind women. I’m not going to let anyone sit painfully alone for hours, just as you wouldn’t leave a fellow ADHD mama hanging all by her lonesome, either.

    And remember, we all have ADHD brains! These are the kind of friends you invite into your messy house and they’ll shove the pile of laundry over to find a seat on the sofa without batting an eye. These are the kinds of friends that you admit you hate brushing your teeth and they offer what’s helped them get over that brain-vibrating toothbrush with zero judgment in their eyes. These are the kind of friends who tell you about their 8 year old’s meltdown this morning and you give them a big hug and listen without trying to fix it. This is the good stuff.

  • A: Sometimes we don't have funds for something. I get it. If you would like to go on the next retreat, get creative! Use that awesome brain of yours to problem solve and save up for the program. You’ll figure out how to save up the money for what matters: Taking care of yourself so you can take better care of your family.

    You can also shoot me an email and we can set you up to pay towards the next event over time.

    I’ll never pressure you to do something you don’t want to do. I want every mama to be thrilled to be here with me. This retreat is all-inclusive, so from the minute you arrive at our 4 star hotel, I’m taking care of everything until it’s time to leave, including your meals and group activities. You don’t have to decide or plan anything on the itinerary. That brain freedom is worth every penny for the mom who decides and plans everything for her family.

    When was the last time you did something for you? And as moms, we’ll always think of our kids first. If you’re still calculating how long ago that was, let’s remember that your family is only as healthy as Mama is. You spend money on everyone else, often forgetting that you are a part of the family, too.

    When you arrive back home on Sunday with a full heart, rested soul, and slightly smaller bags under your eyes, you are able to serve your family so.much.better. They want a mom who loves herself as much as she loves her kids.

  • A: After you’ve purchased your retreat ticket, all you need to sort out is your transportation to the hotel. That may include airfare, transportation from the airport to the hotel, a road trip from your home to the hotel or parking. The hotel has valet parking, and you can find details for that on the hotel’s website.

    If you'd like to ride share to or from the airport, please let us know. We'll utilize our Slack community to match you up with others who are traveling at similar times.

  • A: It’s always hard to be away from the people we love. Your family can and will be okay while you’re away. Think of how proud of themselves they will be for surviving the weekend without mom. Even if they eat cereal for every meal, hey - everyone ate, right?

    It’s time to enlist your village. Who can you ask for help? You have people in your life who want to support you. They want you to be healthy and rested and the best version of you. There is a way you can accept help from the people around you that want you to be successful.

  • A: We all know how emergencies pop up, especially as moms. We also understand how contracts have been signed and payments made for reservations. You may consider purchasing trip insurance when you feel doubtful of your ability to attend.

    As it gets closer, you might think “Why on earth did I decide to do this? Maybe I should stay home?” It’s totally normal to be scared or worried when you try something new, and you may want to back out at the last minute. Maybe you’re frustrated about all the preparations you’re doing in order to leave your family. Ugh. However, you made the decision to join this retreat for a reason - to take care of yourself. That priority remains regardless of outside circumstances.

    Should you need to change your plans, during the early bird pricing window, you may request a full refund.

    Up to 30 days before the start date of the retreat, you may change your plans and we’ll refund 70% of your ticket back to your form of purchase.

    Once we are within a month of the start date, we are not able to issue a refund, however you may apply 50% of your purchase to a future Successful As A Mother retreat within one year of the retreat start date.

    To request a refund, please email us at hello@ and we’ll process your refund within 3 business days.

  • Tell me here and I’ll put you on the list to be the first one to know about the next ADHD mom retreat.

Got a question I haven’t answered? Email me at hello@ and I’d love to help you out.

I can’t wait to hug you in person! See you in October!