Dumpster Fire: Day 1 of Virtual Kindergarten #061

Stinky pandemic school options + Explosive nature of ADHD = The Dumpster Fire version of the first day of school.

Despite all of my preparation, Virtual School was even more taxing than I had imagined: executive dysfunction + sensory overload + transitions nightmare + juggling siblings + tech issues. Did I mention my 5 year old doesn't even know how to use a computer? *cue frustration*

I'm sharing my remote learning struggle in hopes that you don't feel alone, and do feel more prepared as we step out of our comfort zone and into being a Teacher's Aide during virtual learning. (Good news: it is getting better as we go.)

And since things are different this year, here’s a helpful checklist to get yourself and your child ready for both walking back into the school building or setting up at home for virtual learning, or both! Grab your downloadable checklist here for free!

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